The word diagnosis is often used in the medical field to describe the explanation for a patient’s symptoms. It is more than a comment, and does not necessarily indicate a complication.
The word salpingo is used with other words in medicine to refer to something associated with a tube, usually the fallopian tubes. It is not used with reference to the spleen, an artery (blood vessel), or a bone.
The root word, “cyst” means bladder or pouch and “-oscopy” means examination. This term is not used in connection with an examination of the vagina, abdomen, or knee.
When a biopsy is done, tissue is taken out of the body for further study or observation. It is not similar in meaning to any of the other choices.
If there is a deficiency of some substance, that means that it is not present in sufficient quantities, meaning it is largely absent. There certainly is not plenty of the substance and this word has nothing to do with clarity or being powerful.
If something is benign, it is harmless. It may be painful, silent, or near something else, but these are not the definitions of the word.
A dichotomy is a division into two distinct parts. Truncation has several meanings, but all of them involve shortening or omitting something. Trepidation means fear and achievement involves a gain.
Acute refers to something that is quick in nature. An acute condition does not last over time the way a chronic condition does. It is usually not permanent and does not indicate something that is tempered (lessened in intensity).
Supple and sinuous both involve bending. Being slender or thin is not a requirement of either word. Mischievous is an unrelated word, referring to playful behavior.
Bifurcate means to divide. It has nothing to do with the other answer choices of shine, open, and smell.
The word “occlude” means to “block” or “obstruct.” In the medical field, it is often used in to reference parts of the circulatory system that have become congested with plaque.
Enervate means to weaken or cause someone to feel drained of energy, weak, or tired. Debilitate has the closest meaning in making someone feel weak or infirm or lacking strength or stamina. Energize and fortify are really antonyms of enervate, and rectify means “to right a wrong,” which has nothing to do with causing weakness
In trying to diagnose the problem, it makes sense that the doctor would examine by touch, or palpate the patient’s abdomen. It does not make sense that the doctor would just think about her abdomen (ponder), estimate her abdomen (project), or maintain her abdomen (perpetuate).
The word anterior comes from the Latin ante, meaning before or nearer to the front, so frontal would be the best answer. Posterior comes from post or behind. Aft is “in the rear” or at the end, and exterior means “outside of something.” While the veins the surgeon is locating are outside of the heart, anterior and frontal are closer in meaning in this context.
Being able to breathe is called respiration.
To be susceptible or inclined to something is to be predisposed to it.