When one factor affects a second factor, it can be said that the two have a strong correlation. Since the salmon population decreases as the invasive species population increases, these two factors have an inverse relationship.
A catalyst, by definition, is an enzyme that helps decrease the energy necessary to begin a reaction. Consequently, the addition of a catalyst to a chemical reaction will increase the rate at which the reaction takes place. A reduction in the energy required to begin the reaction means that the reaction will take place more quickly.
The pharynx is part of two systems; the respiratory and the digestive. It is another name for the throat, which extends from the base of the skull to the level of the sixth cervical vertebra.
Unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells contain mitochrondria, a nucleus, lysosomes, and multiple chromosomes.
The number of neutrons is what gives the element its specific isotope. The number of protons determines which element it is, while the number of electrons determines if the atomic particle has a positive, negative, or neutral charge.
DNA is stable under alkaline conditions, while RNA is not stable (as RNA has an –OH instead of an H, as in DNA).
It is likely that as the percentage of toxic substances in an environment increases, the percentage of living organisms will decrease. This would be an inverse relationship and would not exhibit a normal distribution. The rest would show normal distribution.
The Golgi body, or simply the Golgi, is an organelle found inside the cytoplasm inside a cell. While it is close to other organelles, it is positioned independently on its own within the cytoplasm.
The taxonomy ranks run from largest to smallest: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. The next-smallest after Order is Family. A useful mnemonic for remembering is, ‘King Philip Came Over For Great Spaghetti.’
The greatest population that can be supported in a given area with a certain amount of resources is known as the carrying capacity. Essential resources like water, food, space, and even mates become scarce as populations get close to their carrying capacity, forcing species to compete more fiercely for them.
Emigration, on the other hand, is the movement of people away from a population. Immigration is the movement of people into a population. Population figures are calculated by looking at the rates of births, deaths, immigration, and emigration.
The number of people in the population is steady in a nation that is experiencing zero population increase. This is possible if the immigration rate is equal to the rate of emigration and the birth rate is equal to the death rate.
Pumping oxygenated blood from the heart to the upper and lower extremities is done by the aorta. Cells all across the body will likely die if the aorta isn't working properly and can't pump oxygenated blood because they require oxygen to accomplish cellular respiration, which produces energy inside the cell.
The hypothalamus is the brain region in charge of various autonomic functions that keep the body's homeostasis. As the hypothalamus aids in the regulation of such automatic activities as: temperature, hunger, and thirst, these involuntary processes are essential to a human's survival.
According to Linnaeus' classification scheme, organisms are categorized into kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species. The Kingdom and Phylum are the least restrictive groupings because many organisms fall into both of these classifications; nevertheless, as organisms are allocated to families, genus, and species, the classifications become ever more precise.
In biology, fitness is the capacity of an organism to create viable offspring that are also capable of reproducing in subsequent generations. Low fitness organisms may be infertile or give birth to young that perish before they reach sexual maturity. High fitness creatures are thought to be more suited to their surroundings.
A nucleus is present in eukaryotes, but not in prokaryotes. This is one of the most frequent characteristics that set these two types of organisms apart. Prokaryotes are capable of carrying out many of the same molecular tasks as eukaryotes, such as protein synthesis, DNA replication, and cellular respiration. The prokaryotic cell frequently performs these tasks more quickly and with less complexity.
By drawing energy from the covalent bonds, sugar, in the form of glucose, is broken down during cellular respiration. The Krebs cycle, the Electron Transport Chain, and glycolysis are all components of cellular respiration.
Plants need the chloroplast for photosynthesis, and both plants and animals use the mitochondria for cellular respiration. They are both double-membraned organelles with unique DNA. These organelles contain maternal DNA, which can only be inherited by the organism's mother. Since neither the mitochondria nor the chloroplast contain any RNA, DNA in all its forms is always double stranded.
The finches differed in their color patterns, head size and shape, and beak size and form even though they were enough similar to be classified as finches. Darwin suggested that the finches' adaptation to their natural habitat was the cause of this development.
Ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm are the embryo's three main germ layers. There is no such thing as the interoderm in biology. The pharynx, lungs, digestive tract, and portions of the urinary system are all formed by the endoderm. The brain and spinal cord, as well as the skin (or epidermis) and other structures like hair and nails, are all formed by the ectoderm. During embryonic development, the mesoderm differentiates to produce connective tissues including cartilage, bone, and muscle.
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