$145,000 * .95 = $137,500
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Read more at http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/FHLaws/yourrights
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$200,000 * 6% = $12,000 $200,000 * 4% = $8,000 $150,000 * 2% = $3,000
$350,000 * .06 = $21,000 $21,000/2 = $10,500 $10,500/2 = $5,250 $5,250 * 25% = $1,312.50
If a deed is valid it must be:
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Of the many expenses involved with owning a house, which of the following are tax-deductible?
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420 * 670 = 281,400 $633,150 / 281,400 = $2.25
To calculate this, you must first determine the amount of the mortgage the buyer is taking. This is done by subtracting the 20% down from the purchase price leaving a note in the amount of $180,000. Then when you amortize the mortgage you will find the buyer is paying $229,580.08 in interest over the course of the loan.
(2.5 * 40,000)/1,000 = 100 parking spaces
Lead paint in a home must always be disclosed.
A transaction broker is known as a/an
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The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) prohibits kickbacks from service providers.
The status of the listing agreement is:
The listing must be signed by the parties who have the authority to sell.
$1,120 x 12 = $13,440. $13,440 ÷ 7% = $192,000. $192,000 ÷ 80% = $240,000
Joint tenancy requires the unities of time, title, interest and possession. When Jayne sells her property to Maggie, the unity of time and title is breached. Agnes and Zelma are still joint tenants, but Maggie would be a tenant in common with them.