Explantion: If you intend towing a caravan that is wider than the vehicle that is towing it, you should fit extended mirrors to both sides of the towing vehicle, so that you will be able to assess the traffic situation behind and to the sides.
Explantion: If you intend towing a trailer that is wider or higher than the vehicle that is towing it, you should fit extended mirrors to both sides of the towing vehicle, so that you will be able to assess the traffic situation behind and to the sides.
Explantion: Make sure the windows of your vehicle are clear and clean at all times so that you can see road and traffic conditions around you. Dirty windows are particularly hazardous when the sun is low and at night.
Explantion: Make sure the windows of your vehicle are clear and clean at all times so that you can see road and traffic conditions around you. This is especially important when driving in slippery conditions. It is good practice to carry a can of de-icer in the vehicle and if possible to fill the washer reservoir with a de-icing agent.
Explantion: Make sure the windows of your vehicle are clear and clean at all times so that you can see road and traffic conditions around you. This is especially important when driving in slippery conditions. It is good practice to carry a can of de-icer in the vehicle and if possible to fill the washer reservoir with a de-icing agent.
Explantion: Make sure the windows of your vehicle are clear and clean at all times so that you can see road and traffic conditions around you. Condensation on the window can seriously impair your ability to make proper observations.
Explantion: Make sure the windows of your vehicle are clear and clean at all times so that you can see road and traffic conditions around you. Dirty windows are a particular hazard when the sun is low in the sky and at night.
Explantion: Before reversing, look over both shoulders and to the rear to check that there are no children or other road users around the vehicle and that it is safe to reverse.
Explantion: Before reversing, make sure it is safe to do so by taking all appropriate observations to the front sides and rear of the vehicle, including the blind spots Never assume it is safe to reverse just because the vehicle has an audible warning device.
Explantion: Before reversing onto a side road, check all around to make sure it is safe and clear to carry out the manoeuvre, paying particular attention to pedestrians crossing behind the vehicle and any other approaching traffic.
Explantion: When reversing on a busy street. look all around and reverse slowly because there may be passing traffic and pedestrians attempting to cross the road.
Explantion: Do not attempt to reverse into an area that you cannot see into properly, unless you get assistance from somebody who can advise you when it is safe to do so.
Explantion: When reversing a vehicle with a trailer attached, make sure it is safe by checking all around and using the vehicle's mirrors. Reversing a vehicle with a trailer attached requires a lot of concentration, so watch out for other road users in the vicinity.
Explantion: While on a long journey, you should take regular rest breaks. A short walk and a caffeinated drink (tea or coffee) can help to revive you. Keep the vehicle cool and well ventilated with a steady flow of fresh air.
Explantion: If you are driving at night in a vehicle with a high interior temperature, you can become drowsy. Keep the interior of the vehicle cool and well ventilated, and take regular breaks.
Explantion: Exhaust gases leaking into a vehicle can make the driver drowsy or ill, and this can lead to a serious collision. If you suspect that exhaust gases are leaking into the vehicle, you should have it checked by a qualified person.
Explantion: When driving a smooth, high-powered vehicle, you may have the impression that you are travelling slower than you actually are. You should always know the speed at which you are driving, and adjust it as necessary to suit the road and traffic conditions.
Explantion: The handbrake should never be used to bring a vehicle to a halt. This practice is potentially dangerous, as the rear wheels could lock up and the vehicle could skid out of control. In addition, using the handbrake does not operate the rear brake lights to warn following traffic.
Explantion: The handbrake should never be used when travelling at speed. This practice is potentially dangerous, as the rear wheels could lock up and the vehicle could skid out of control.
Explantion: You should use your rear fog lights only in fog or falling snow. Using fog lights in normal road and weather conditions can dazzle or blind following motorists. Also, fog lights may make your brake lights harder to see.
Explantion: You should use your rear fog lights only in fog or falling snow. Using fog lights in normal road and weather conditions can dazzle or blind following motorists. Also. fog lights may make your brake lights harder to see.
Explantion: Motor vehicles (except motorcycles) are required by law to have two headlights. Faulty lights should be repaired immediately. A vehicle with only one headlight could mistaken for a motorcycle.
Explantion: If the lights of following traffic are dazzling you. adjust your rear-view mirror to the night driving mode. This will allow you to concentrate on the road ahead and not be distracted by lights from following traffic.
Explantion: If the lights of following traffic reflecting in your exterior mirror are dazzling you, temporarily adjust the angle of the mirror to relieve the glare and allow you to drive without distraction.
Explantion: Motor vehicles (except motorcycles) are required by law to have two headlights. A vehicle with only one headlight could be mistaken for a motorcycle and other road users could believe that it is in a different position on the road than it actually is. You must repair faulty lighting immediately.