Explantion: On the approach to the brow of a hill you should be extra careful and be prepared to react to a change in the traffic situation.
Explantion: On the approach to the brow of a hill you should be extra careful and be prepared to react to a change in the traffic situation.
Explantion: On the approach to the brow of a hill you should be extra careful and be prepared to react to a change in the traffic situation.
Explantion: On the approach to an area with a restricted view you should be extra careful and be prepared to react to a change in the traffic situation.
Explantion: You should always keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front especially when it is slowing down or stopping.
Explantion: You should always, keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front if it is slowing down or stopping. Always read the road and be prepared to react correctly to changes in the traffic ahead.
Explantion: You should always, keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front if it is slowing down or stopping. Always read the road and be prepared to react correctly to changes in the traffic ahead.
Explantion: When road priority is unclear you might have to yield to oncoming vehicles. Never drive a vehicle into an area that it might not be able to clear or where it could cause an obstruction or bottleneck.
Explantion: Different road surfaces can affect your vehicle's grip on the road and its stopping distances. You should be aware of this when driving on different surfaces.
Explantion: Heavy rain can affect how well you can see and how well you can be seen by other road users. On a wet surface, your tyres do not grip the road surface as well as in dry conditions and your stopping distance is increased. For these reasons you should slow down in heavy rain and keep a greater distance from the vehicle in front.
Explantion: On a wet surface, your tyres do not grip the road surface as well as in dry conditions and your stopping distance is increased. For these reasons you should slow down in heavy rain and keep a greater distance from the vehicle in front.
Explantion: When driving on a one-way street, you should be extra careful and should be prepared to react to a change in the traffic situation.
Explantion: When driving on a one-way street, you should be extra careful and should be prepared to react to a change in the traffic situation.
Explantion: Where there are fallen leaves on the road surface, your tyres might have reduced grip on the road surface and your braking distances might be greater.
Explantion: By law you must yield to pedestrians already crossing at a junction. Pedestrians are vulnerable road users and you should be extra careful driving at places where pedestrians are attempting to cross the road.
Explantion: When you are turning right from a main road into a side road, you must give way to oncoming traffic on the main road even if they are turning left into the same road.
Explantion: When you are approaching a bend or corner with a restricted view you should slow down if necessary and be prepared to react to any changes in the traffic situation.
Explantion: When you are approaching a bend or corner with a restricted view you should slow down if necessary and be prepared to react to any changes in the traffic situation.
Explantion: When driving at night in an area where there is a variety of light sources, you need to be extra careful, as potential hazards might be more difficult to see.
Explantion: When driving in a residential area you need to take account of the danger you might pose to children playing. You should always observe warning signs relating to children and drive accordingly.
Explantion: You should always be aware of other road users especially children, who can be unpredictable and show no road sense. You should drive with extra care in areas where there are children about - for example, near schools, playgrounds and in residential areas.
Explantion: When you are overtaking a parked vehicle or obstruction, you should yield to oncoming vehicles so that they don't have to slow down or take evasive action.
Explantion: A vehicle driving on the main road has priority over vehicles emerging from side roads. However, you must understand that the right of way is not an obsolute right of way and you should be considerate of other road users at all times.
Explantion: You should always read the road ahead and be prepared to react to changing traffic situations. In this scenario, you should allow the cyclist ahead to overtake the parked car before you do.
Explantion: You should always read the road ahead and be prepared to react to changing traffic situations. In this scenario you should wait for a safe opportunity to overtake, and not do so when approaching a bend.