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우리 회사의 업무는 월요일부터 금요일까지 이루어지며 ________ 및 일요일은 휴무입니다.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "토요일" because the sentence is describing the company's work schedule, stating that work takes place from Monday to Friday, and on "토요일" (Saturday) and "일요일" (Sunday), it's a day off. So, "토요일" is the appropriate day of the week to complete the sentence.

비자를 받기 위해 대사관을 방문해야 합니다 ___.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "연장하려면" because the sentence is about visiting the embassy to obtain a visa, and "연장하려면" means "to extend" or "to renew." In the context of obtaining a visa, this term indicates that you need to visit the embassy to extend or renew your visa. The other options, such as "예매하려면" (to make a reservation), "연락하려면" (to contact), and "약속하려면" (to make an appointment), do not convey the same meaning as "연장하려면" in this context.

요즘은 너무 바빠서 해야 할 일을 자주 잊어버립니다. 중요한 정보를 잊지 않으려면 그것을 적어 두는 습관을 키워야 했습니다.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "자꾸" because it means "repeatedly" or "constantly," and it fits the context of the sentence. The sentence is talking about frequently forgetting important information due to being too busy. To remember such crucial information, one needed to develop the habit of writing it down repeatedly. The other options, "따로" (separately), "일찍" (early), and "잘못" (wrongly), do not convey the same meaning as "자꾸" in this context.

신용카드로 결제가 가능한가요? 사과드립니다. 카드는 사용할 수 없습니다. ______로 계산해주세요.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "현금" because it means "cash." In this context, it suggests that the payment method is not possible with a credit card, so the customer is asked to pay with "현금" or cash instead. The other options, "세금" (tax), "영수증" (receipt), and "도장" (stamp), do not fit the context of suggesting an alternative payment method.

첫 월급 받으면 부모님께 선물을 보내는 대신 _________로 가겠습니다. 필요한 물건도 사고, 맛있는 음식도 먹을 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "삼.용돈" because it means "allowance" or "pocket money." In the context of the sentence, the speaker is stating that instead of sending a gift to their parents upon receiving their first paycheck, they plan to use the money for themselves, which includes buying necessary items and enjoying good food. "용돈" refers to personal spending money or allowance, so it fits the context. The other options, such as "사.교통카드" (transportation card), "일.통장" (bank account), and "이.입장권" (admission ticket), do not convey the same meaning as "용돈" in this context.

가다 . 리한 씨는 현재 고향으로 돌아가고 있다고 말했습니다. 그렇다면 어떻게? 그러니 곧 축하 행사를 열어야 할 것 같습니다.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "환송" because it means "farewell" or "send-off." In the context of the sentence, the speaker is saying that 리한 씨 (Li Han) is returning to their hometown, which implies a farewell or departure. Therefore, it suggests that they should soon hold a "환송" or farewell event for Li Han. The other options, such as "생일" (birthday), "승진" (promotion), and "환영" (welcome), do not convey the same meaning as "환송" in this context.

이 집은 보증금이 300만원이고, _________의 가치는 40만원입니다. 매달 40만원? 너무 높은. 방이 더 있나요?

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "월세" because it means "monthly rent." In this context, the speaker is discussing the cost of renting a house, mentioning a security deposit ("보증금") of 3 million won and the monthly rent ("월세") being 400,000 won. Therefore, "월세" is the appropriate term to describe the monthly rent. The other options, "요금" (fee), "전세" (lump-sum deposit), and "전대" (advance payment), do not specifically refer to the monthly rent and are not relevant to the context.


오늘은 월요일이에요. 내일은 _________입니다.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "화요일" because the sentence is discussing days of the week. It states that today is Monday ("월요일") and tomorrow is "화요일," which means Tuesday. Therefore, "화요일" is the appropriate day of the week to complete the sentence.

요즘은 집에서 한국어를 공부해요. 나는 인터넷으로 한국어 수업을 들으면서 매일 ___________ 10개의 새로운 단어를 ___________합니다.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "만듭니다" because it means "make" or "create." In this context, the speaker is talking about learning Korean and mentions that they are taking online Korean classes. They are making or creating 10 new words each day as part of their learning process. "만듭니다" conveys the idea of actively creating or learning new words, which fits the context. The other options, "알립니다" (notify), "소개합니다" (introduce), and "외웁니다" (memorize), do not convey the same meaning as "만듭니다" in this context.

A: 다른 곳에 없으면 오늘 나랑 같이 식사할래? 응, 같이 먹자고 했어.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "야속" because it means "tonight" or "this evening," and it is the closest match to the context of the conversation. The question is about having a meal together if the person doesn't have any other plans today. "야속" indicates the time frame of the evening or tonight, which is appropriate for suggesting a meal together. The other options, "날찌" (day), "시간" (time), and "계산" (calculate), do not convey the same meaning as "야속" in this context.

A: 달러를 한국돈으로 바꾸고 싶어요. 다음에 무엇을 해야 합니까? 나: 은행에서는 _________할 수 있습니다. 은행을 방문하세요.

Correct! Wrong!

The answer is "환전" because it means "currency exchange" or "foreign exchange." In this context, the person wants to change US dollars into Korean currency, and the appropriate action to take is to go to the bank for "환전" or currency exchange. The other options, "편지" (letter), "통장" (bank account), and "송금" (remittance), do not relate to the action of changing currency, which is what the person is asking about.

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