A description or detailed explanation of something as it is, without offering any judgments or assessments, is referred to as being "descriptive."
Please select 4 correct answers
The term "Social Text" is used to describe both a specific academic publication and a more general idea in cultural studies and social theory.
Williams was an active member of the British New Left intellectual movement and a prolific author.
The books provide important insights into Ho Chi Minh's leadership and his goal for Vietnam's independence as well as a glimpse into his thoughts, ideas, and methods while he was imprisoned.
It has sparked a variety of perspectives on language, power, knowledge, and subjectivity and has greatly influenced social theory and the humanities.
A social movement is referred to as a group's concerted, organized endeavor to affect social, political, cultural, or environmental change.
It established the groundwork for Marxist theory and the comprehension of capitalism, making it one of the most significant works in the fields of political economy and economics.
It places emphasis on how each person plays a unique part in creating knowledge and meaning, frequently by actively engaging with their surroundings and interacting with others.
According to relativism, morality and truth are relative concepts that depend on several factors such as context, culture, personal viewpoints, and historical events.
Understanding the restrictions and ramifications of creating a private language is crucial.
The book explores how changes in post-World War II British society and the media have affected working-class communities.
The theory of social integration and contributions to the study of the composition and operation of societies are most known for their innovative work in these fields.
Sociologists can investigate the interactions between people's activities and the larger social setting using structural theory because it gives a framework for understanding the underlying structures and patterns that form social life.
Adorno and Horkheimer look at how rationality and reason, which were meant to free humanity from ignorance and superstition, instead contributed to dominance, instrumental rationality, and the objectification of both nature and people.
The book has had a considerable influence on conversations about gender and sexuality, resulting in important debates and new directions for gender studies.
Social institutions are fundamental structures or organizations in society that carry out particular functions and are essential in determining how people behave, interact, and how a community as a whole functions.