The cool thing about getting started drawing is all you truly need is a pencil and a sheet of paper. Which most
people have in their homes already. If you want to take it a bit more seriously though it really doesn’t cost that
much to get a small graphite pencil set and a sketchbook
The correct answer is
Simplify the shapes being drawn
The Highlight is the very lightest part. It’s where the light directly hits the object so is the best indicator when
you look at your subject to determine where and at what angle the light is coming from. Highlights make the
drawing come to life.
The correct answer is
Using a series of gray values and textures
Perspective drawing is a technique to create the linear illusion of depth. As objects get further away from
the viewer they appear to decrease in size at a constant rate. The box in the sketch below appears solid and
three dimensional due to the use of perspective.
Paper was invented by Cai Lun, also known as Ts'ai Lun. He invented paper and paper making process in
104 CE under Han Dynasty. The modern paper making process is still influenced by his original.
Doodling is art form where no specific plan or imagination is required to draw something. It's basically called
scribble because it just flows with the person's vision.
"The Vitruvian Man" was made by famous Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci somewhere around 1490. It is
based on or say it is the physical representation of the writings of Roman architect Vitruvius.
Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh painted "The Starry Night" back in 1889 while sitting in his room
at Saint-Remy-de-Provence.
An orthographic drawing or orthographic projection is a representation of a three-dimensional-object
using several two-dimensional planes
A Representational Art depicts a very realistic view to the object
Pablo Picasso is known as natural born artist, he was able to draw even before being able to talk or walk.
It is believed that he out-mastered his father by the age of 13. His father was an art teacher.
Conrad Gessner is attributed to be the inventor of lead pencil back in 1565.
The 6B pencil is good for very dark areas , but it's very soft and blunts quickly, so it's difficult to use for detail
and tends to look grainy, skimming over the surface of the paper. Burnished graphite-shaded very heavily-can
look very shiny. Harder pencils contain more clay, so they look less shiny than results from a very soft pencil.
Hatching is the technique used to add more shading details to a sketch. Hatching is done by
placing close parallel lines.
Crosshatching is an extension of hatching, which uses fine parallel lines drawn closely together to create the
illusion of shade or texture in a drawing. Crosshatching is the drawing of two layers of hatching at right-angles
to create a mesh-like pattern. Multiple layers in varying directions can be used to create textures.
A contour is a line which defines a form or edge. Essentially, it is the drawing of an outline of an object.
It's very likely that you've been drawing contour lines all along because it is the simplest form of art. In
the most basic form, an outline drawing is also called a pure contour.
Portrait painting is a genre in painting, where the intent is to represent a specific human subject. The term
'portrait painting' can also describe the actual painted portrait. Portraitists may create their work by commission,
for public and private persons, or they may be inspired by admiration or affection for the subject. Portraits often
serve as important state and family records, as well as remembrances.
Just as one-point perspective focuses on one vanishing point, two-point perspective ushers in a second one.
Typically, these two points are at the opposite sides of the composition, such as one on the far left and another
on the far right.
Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. It defines a color in terms of how close it is to white or
black. The darker the color, the closer it is to black. For example, navy blue emits less light and has a lower
value than sky blue.
The 2B pencil has a higher blackness, and the marks drawn are relatively black, while the HB pencil has a lower
blackness, and the color of the marks drawn is relatively light, which is very different.
Stippling is most of a drawing technique than an element of art. Value is the element of art stippling
is part of (light and dark in a drawing). With stippling, you can draw the illusion of depth, solidity, and
light, which are the same factors that value controls in an illustration.
Line is the most basic design 'tool' on which almost every piece of art relies. A line has length, width, tone,
and texture. It may divide space, define a form, describe contour, or suggest direction. You can find a line in
every type of art.
Light source: The direction from which a dominant light originates. The placement of this light source affects
every aspect of a drawing. Shadows: The areas on an object that receive little or no light. Cast shadow: The
dark area on an adjacent surface where the light is blocked by the solid object.
Portfolio is an edited collection of an artist's best artwork intended to showcase their style or method of work.
A portfolio is used by artists to show employers their versatility by showing different samples of current work