Multiple inheritance is not supported in C# because the developers believe it adds too much complexity to the language while delivering too little benefit. In C#, classes can only inherit from one parent class, which is referred to as single inheritance.
Microsoft has released the Visual Studio 2010 runtime and development environment version 4.0. Interoperability with partially or fully dynamically typed languages and frameworks, such as the Dynamic Language Runtime and COM, is a primary priority of C# 4.0.
The COM task allocator is used by the COM marshaller to allocate and free memory.
The Hashtable class represents a collection of key-value pairs that are grouped according to the key's hash code. It accesses the elements in the collection using the key.
When you need to access elements by key and can determine a useful key value, you utilize a hash table. There is a key/value pair for each item in the hash table. The key is used to gain access to the collection's items.
MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language) is a language that is produced by a variety of compilers (C#, VB,.NET, and so on). The lLDasm (Intermediate Language Disassembler) software included in the.NET Framework SDK (FrameworkSDKBinildasm.exe) allows users to view MSlL code in a human-readable format.
C# was dubbed a replica of Java by James Gosling, the founder of the Java programming language, and Bill Joy, its creator. Microsoft created it as a.NET program in the year 2000.
After a program starts, the JIT compiler runs and compiles the code. A JIT compiler, to put it another way, compiles code on the fly, or in other words, just in time. The compiled code, also known as bytecode sequences, is converted into native code, which is a faster and more understandable machine language.
No, multiple catch blocks for the same try statement are not possible. This is because the catch statement is only performed once in the event of an exception.
.Int32 value type supports signed integers with values ranging from negative 2,147,483,648 (represented by the Int32. MinValue constant) to positive 2,147,483,647 (represented by the Int32. MaxValue constant).